Sunday, February 17, 2019

Annotated Bibliography 2: The Return

  1. Reel Character Education: A Cinematic Approach to Character Development
    By William B. Russell III, Ph.D., Stewart Waters.(2010)

    Morals, values, beliefs and attitudes are all a part of the film industry. It is common for the viewers to ask 'what is the moral of this story?' and it's your job to make the moral a good one. Characters and their personalities are something a viewer will latch onto, project and discuss with others. It's also your job to make sure that the growth the character goes through is felt and shared by the viewer.

  2. Story Creation In Virtual Game Worlds
    By Judy Robinson and Judith Good (2005)

    Children spend a lot of time playing video games, teaching them logic, teamwork, and giving them motivation. A lot of games that are researched with children playing them are solely software designed and developed games. Stories and development play a much more important part for children's minds growing up.
  3. The Character of Difference: Procedurality, Rhetoric, and Roleplaying Games
    By Gerald Voorhees

    Regardless of what game you make and how well developed your world and characters are, there will be a forum picking apart what you have made piece by piece and finding flaws.
  4. Character-Driven Game Design: Characters, Conflicts and Gameplay
    Lankoski, Petri & Björk, Staffan. (2007).

    Video Games use characters. Every video game has a character or two. Even Tetris (Pajitnov, 1989) has characters, as people have given the different shaped blocks characteristics and personalities.

    It is quite literally possible to give squares characteristics and developments as evidenced by Thomas Was Alone(Bithell Games, 2012).
    Thomas Was Alone
    Bithell Games
  5. Game Design As Narrative Architecture
    Henry Jenkins

    There was almost a blood feud between those who wanted to see games focus on the mechanics of game play, and those who wanted the story to become the focus. There is demand for both story and good gameplay, which causes conflict. Divergence from a story's path will make a less satisfying story, as would restricting the players freedom.

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