Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Games MDA

Mechanics are rules. Mechanics rule... We should treat our engineers better.

Rules -> System Behaviour -> Fun

An excellent flowchart we should see more of.

The other one I made a rather unfortunate acronym of. I'm not sure following the MDA flowchart is a good idea.

Wow this video is just full of bad acronyms.

I disagree with the idea of getting past words like 'fun'. Fun is what games are all about. Just look at Nintendo. Their games are fun and they're the biggest game company there is. Fun isn't something you can define easily or into eight simple catagories. But that won't stop people from trying.

Digital Versions:

I found this interesting because, well it's true. The amount of people I've seen playing Uno or Monopoly on a console or computer has only increased in time. And sometimes the games are upgraded versions of the board games themselves.

For example, take Sid Meier's Civilisation. A game I personally love to play, and I would personally describe as 'Risk but a hundred and six times better'. In my opinion the reason that Digital Versions of Board games are becoming more popular is because of accessibility but also because of friendships.

With games like Uno and Monopoly being able to be played online, you can play with people around the world, or with friends in different parts of the country. Similar to how arcade games such as Street Fighter can now be played in your home and against different people all over the world.

Image result for civ 6 cover
Sid Meier's Civilisation 6 Box Art 

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